TIGHTROPES SIX/BEEFCAKE is a double feature starring massive muscleboy Vinnie Marino, and bodybuilder muscle Daddy Ray Medina. Muscleboy Vinnie is a winner of L.A.'s Mr Superman contest, and his ponderous pex, baseball biceps, double-bubble butt, tree trunk thighs, and sure shot cock....in gear and naked...tied face-up and face-down...hung up and stretched out....is muscles-in-bondage heaven. We all know Colt Studios doesn't do muscle bondage....BUT, uncut, tatooed, musclebound, leatherman biker Colt model Ray Medina gets his bondage cherry busted by Zeus. Stripped and sling stretch-spread, muscleman Medina gets groped, pex punched, tits twisted, foreskin stretched, butt beat, ass assaulted, and total body brutalized. His growls turn to groans. His groans turn to moans. His moans turn to whimpers as he licks the Zeus hands.....thanking them for manhandling his muscles. Muscleboy Marino, and muscle Daddy Medina are on the same tape! WOOF.