A NOTE FROM VINNIE: Remember this auto mechanic "wanna be" from Str8 Loads #5 : Buzz? 21 y.o., 5'8", 150 lbs, French-Italian, and dyin' to be married... He's been cummin' 'round since those first interviews and now he's ready to show you he can suck cock if the money is right... or is he doing it 'cause he likes it? You be the judge.
Product Scenes

By this time there is no pretense... Buzz cums to my bedroom, sheds his threads and I get down on it! He watches himself in the mirror as he guides my head up and down on his shaft. I pull Mr. Bill out and Buzz instinctively starts to stroke him, so I ask him to suck my cock (for x-tra $). He hesitates about 10 seconds and grabs my cock at the base, puts the huge head in his mouth, and starts sucking nice and slow... Buzz says he's never done it before but he seems to have the hang of it! I finish him off - he blows a huge nut on my face and down my throat. He's a man of few words, but now I know his mouth is good for other things too.

Buzz comes back - a good sign! I'm not wasting any time today so I pull his pants down and wake the sleeping monster... Buzz grabs the back of my head and fucks my mouth so I invite Mr. Bill out to play! I pull Buzz forward on the chair and rub our cocks together, then I have him kneel on the floor and jerk off. I see him eyeing my cock so I let him have it... For a novice Buzz is pretty good at taking most of my 9+ inches! I go back to servicing him, licking his balls, tonguing between his legs, and when he's ready to blow he grabs my head and shoots a huge load down my throat! This was a long session with Buzz but, Man! He's good to the last drop!

Buzz is talkative this time so I let him tell me about his kids and his job and the fact that he hasn't nutted since his last visit (7 days)! He's rock hard by now so I work his piece, licking the shaft, chewing the head, and burying my face in his crotch. We stand together and stroke each other's cocks and when I ask him to suck it he gets down on his knees and takes my shaft in his mouth... I want that impatiently waiting load of his so I'm back on his dick and Buzz fucks my face 'till he chucks a monster load on my eager lips! I later find out that his wife had been waiting for him in the car the whole time! Does he tell her he was giving me a lube job? Can she be that naive?