Product Scenes

Brett heard about the chance to make some cash showing his dick to the world through a friend of his and, apparently, had told a bunch of his other military buddies about it, too.
It's one of the bonuses of the Auditions. Ya never know if a guy might refer someone who could be one of SW's next stars.
Brett is 23y/o and, although he's straight and married ("for the moment," as he puts it), seems a little on-the-fence about his sexual boundaries. I asked if he had ever been with a guy before. After thinking about it a second he replied:
"I've been with a tranny once. I didn't have to do anything...," he trails off, motioning to his crotch. "Just came in, did some anal and bounced."
Turns out that Brett is really into anal stimulation and likes to get his ass licked. Not to mention shoving a finger up there when he gets the chance. And, as you'll see, his dick really swells up once he starts finger-fucking himself.

Lance got in touch recently, saying he's been wanting to do porn for about a year-and-a-half. He's a cute guy so I thought I'd give him a shot in front of the cameras.
He's 20y/o, a little on the shorter side standing 5' 5" tall, and a bit on the stocky side. He says he came out to San Diego from the Midwest, "Just to see the views," but his tattoos and haircut kinda give away what really brought this small town boy to the city. We'll just say it was "work related."
Lance has also started exploring his guy/guy sexuality lately and in the process found the magic button in anal stimulation. He said (off camera) that he's bottomed a couple times, and it seems (on camera) that he likes to stick a finger up there when he's jacking off, too.
I'm not sure we'll be seeing Lance again, but if you're into baby-faced, stocky Irish dudes with explosive cumshots, you might want to check this one out!

Carson is a thick and stocky Marine who's been thinking about shedding his clothes on camera for a while. He's actually been approached a few times about being in porn, but he decided to drop trou' and make his debut right here.
He's a bit of a gym rat and going through his "bulking up" phase so he might not appeal to everyone, being a bigger guy. He was about to start his trimming phase and I'm curious to see how he looks in a couple months.
Carson was a little on the nervous side getting naked. He was really worried about not being hard enough, but his dick was swollen to the max as soon as he started lubing up. It took him a minute to bust, but he shot a nice load.
His buddy kept calling while he was working his way up to cumming, so I stuck on a little out-take at the end where he answered the phone and was talking with the guy while jerking off.

Dean is the only guy who's ever done a shoot and really needed to keep his glasses on. On first glance, they're pretty bookish/nerdy. But then I noticed that the frames were from a very popular brand that starts with the letter O.
So... "nerdy cool?"
Regardless, Dean comes from a dinky little town in the south and found his way out to San Diego by way of... you guessed it: US Marine Corps.
He actually heard about the chance to make some cash jerkin' off a few months ago and is just now stepping up to the plate. But it all happened within a couple hours. An email in the morning turned into a shoot just a few hours later.
Dean's dick was literally hard from the moment his pants came off and already leaking a bunch of pre-cum. Watch carefully and you'll see another big drip when his dick gets measured. Makes ya wonder...
Since he had saved up a few days it's one helluva nice cumshot, too.
Oh yeah, and I'm sure you're wondering... that odd bandage on his side is from a spider bite he got while camping earlier in the week. Str8 guys. Gawd love 'em.

Matthew is 19y/o and comes from a really, really small town in the deep south. He signed up with the Marines and suddenly found himself in San Diego.
As much as he tries to cover up his accent, the country boy is pretty evident. He likes to hunt, drink beer, and, when the truck isn't out of gas, he and the boys go out "muddin'."
He's no stranger to getting naked in front of other people. In fact, he and some buddies dropped trou' and ran through the local MalWart once.
Good times. Until the cops showed up and put him in cuffs.

Travis is stocky fireplug of a guy, standing at 5'5". He's 20y/o and, in case the haircut doesn't give it away, he's in the military. He's also originally from Ireland and still has a bit of the accent.
He said he's been thinking about doing porn for a whole 3 days. That's right around the time he heard he could make some cash whackin' off on camera. He figured, in his words, "You only live once. Might as well check everything off the list."
Travis was a bit nervous starting off, but still pulls through a pretty nice show. He says he doesn't jack off very often. He didn't say how long it had been since the last time, but however long it was, his cumshot was flying everywhere.

Sometimes a guy comes over for a shoot, but doesn't quite make the grade for a weekly featured update. So we're going to start putting some of those shoots up as Bonus Scenes and calling them... ummm... "Auditions." Yeah, that'll work!
I'll be the first to admit that I like a guy with a little a lot of meat on their bones. And there have been more than a few requests from the Members to see some stockier guys on the site. Andre is a furry bearcub who should satisfy those of us with a leaning towards the guys who cast a larger shadow.
Andre moved out to San Diego from Texas after enlisting with the Navy. When he showed up for his shoot, I found out that he's actually married. His wife doesn't mind him showing his uncut cock to the world, though, since she gets part of the money.
Andre's one of the only guys I've ever filmed who didn't want (or need) a porno playing in the background while jacking off. Guess he has a vivid imagination. Whatever it was he was thinking about, it worked 'cos he squirted a load all over his fuzzy stomach with a good deal of "enthusiasm."

Will heard through a Marine buddy we both know about the chance to make some money showing his dick to the world. He was really busy with work for a few months, apparently, but fell on hard times and needed some quick cash.
That's the story he told me, anyway. My own thoughts are that Will is a closet exhibitionist, but needed to build up the nerve. Cos once his clothes came off, he worked the camera like he was born in front of it.
Will was a football player before joining The Corps and has a beefy/stocky build below his baby-face and blue eyes. I love his meaty ass and downward-curved dick.
Will got so into his jack-off session that, toward the end, he gave a little signal and said he needed to stop for a second. Right before a big load of cum squirted out of his cock. Oops!
"No worries," he assured me.
Five minutes later he got himself hard again and, covered in sweat, stroked out a second load!