Product Scenes

Clay is 18 y/o and is a tall, lean dude. He's best friends with Rich and is the one who actually introduced us. Clay had come in a few weeks before for a shoot to make sure it was legit.
When he showed up, Clay was visibly nervous; almost shaking. It's kinda interesting that he was the one chosen to be the Guinea pig between the two guys.
He's definitely not hurting in the dick size department. And he's got plenty of foreskin for you fans of the uncut meat.
Clay didn't have much trouble keeping his dick hard once he got it up, but he seemed intent on having his eyes glued to the porn playing in the background. So if you like your straight guys with a little bit of a look of fear in their eyes, make sure to check this one out.
Nice cumshot, too. Clay let out a few grunts and had gobs of 18 y/o cream splattered across his stomach by the end.

I love a road trip. And what better way to spend one than seeing the kinds of guys who might pop out of the woodwork, wanting to take a shot at porn, along the way?
John is one of those guys; I met him on a visit to Arizona. He's 25 and a bit of a hell-raiser, into the music and party scene around town.
During the Q & A, it came up that John considers himself "mostly straight," so I asked him what that meant.
"Well," he answered matter-of-factly, "I found out in my pre-teen years, I like to play with my asshole."
And once John got naked, he didn't seem too shy about shoving a finger up there!
John's finale was an explosive one, too, even making himself laugh in amazement at the massive shower of cum he let loose.

"D" goes to college at one of the local universities and, although doesn't really come across as someone who would be into the whole Greek scene, he's involved with a fraternity there.
A fellow college buddy had told him about the chance to make some cash wagging his dick on camera. He's done some semi-nude stripping and dancing for bachelorette parties, but never taken the plunge into porn.
What threw me for a loop, I found out when he showed up, is that D is married with a kid in tow. His wife didn't know he was coming in for the shoot at the time, but apparently told her about it afterward. He called up later asking to get a copy of the video so she could watch it, too.
Even though he's getting some regular action at home with the little lady, D's got some stamina. After blowing a messy load that flies up to his shoulders, he took a 1

Trace heard through the grapevine that he could make some quick cash rubbin' one out on camera. He just recently turned 18 and, now out on his own, figured showing his junk to the world would be a pretty easy way to pay off some bills. He even told a buddy of his about it who wanted to audition, too.
Trace has a tight bod and a pretty decently-sized uncut dick. He didn't bat an eye when the ol' measuring tape came out to get the dimensions. He even did a little dick flex to make sure it was nice and thick.

Stan is one tall drink of water, standing at 6'5". He's played a bunch of sports: football, basketball, track. You name it, he's tried it.
Stan was just out of a relationship and while out playing the field he thought he'd give porn a shot.
He had all the desire to get naked on camera, but nerves got the better of him for most of the shoot. I even left a little outtake in there so you hear what's going on in his head. Sometimes things don't flow as well as I'd hope, but this is about as real as it gets.
If you're into nervous straight guys as they shed their clothes on camera for the first time, this one is worth checking out. He definitely came through for the money shot!

A friend of mine introduced me to Ross. He (Ross) had been thinking about trying his hand in porn for a while. He's even tried to get his girlfriend on board with the idea.
Ross is a tall, lean and hairy dude who recently relocated to So Cal. He's big into the outdoorsy sports-- snowboarding and skateboarding.
For his first porn shoot, Ross made the mistake of letting his gf talk him into having sex the morning of. Nerves, and the fact that he had just had sex a few hours earlier, made it a little tough for him out of gates. But it certainly didn't affect the money shot. I can't imagine how big his cumshot would have been if he had saved up!

A friend of mine who sometimes scouts guys for the site emailed in Derrick's pics earlier this year. He (Derrick) is 19y/o, 6'1" and an avid baseball player. In the photos that were sent in, Derrick had sandy blonde hair and a kind of "straight dude" look that caught my eye.
Derrick showed up for his shoot with his hair dyed red, much to my surprise (and my friend's). He's a bit of a shy one, but another big surprise came when he lapped up his load.
Even though he considers himself straight, Derrick was pretty fired up about testing the waters with another guy. We planned to meet up again (after his natural hair color was back), but he fell off the radar. So, somewhere out there is a very curious baseball player who likes eating cum and wants to try sucking some cock.

I met Luke in Phoenix while on the same road trip that I had met up with John. They're good buddies and right after finishing his shoot, John called up Luke, "Hey man, you've gotta come do this jack off thing." Luke was all for it.
Luke is what a friend of mine refers to as "Redneck Hot." He showed up in cowboy boots and wearing a Confederate flag baseball cap; not the typical kind of guy I meet in San Diego which is one of the reasons it can be fun finding guys to film out on the road.
Luke has a carefree attitude about sex and gave me the impression that pretty much anything goes. He told me that he's rubbed one out at work a few times, so I joked that this wasn't his first time getting paid while jerkin' off.
"Yeah," he said with a laugh, "but they took out taxes!"
I'm not sure if it's something in the water out in Phoenix, but both John and Luke, I found out that day, have some high-flying cumshots. "Man, it's everywhere!" Luke smiled as he lay on the bed, his chest dripping with cum. He didn't seem to be complaining about it, and, as I'm sure you can guess, neither was I!