UOMOTV travels throughout Central and South America videoing guys in Costa Rica, Venezuela, Ecuador and Brazil. We shoot whites, blacks and Latin guys doing what is natural; backup that ass into a nice hot cock. We are going to try to get to Asia to see some hot Asian guys back up their asses too.
Product Scenes

A brief report: Yinay was at the spot, spending some days in the city. Vicente called asking if any sessions were available for him. I told him nope...but then I thought, why not make this his very first debut. So I called him back and asked him to come over. He did, and after all the chat was done, we did shoot. No fancy filming just sex. When Vicente did his solo for us, I asked him for the chance to bottom in a video. He wasn't sure then cause his military career. But he dropped military few weeks ago, so now, according to him, he is more confident regarding his sexual adventures. Now that he took a step forward I am sure we will see him more often around.

Lautaro, works in my favorite restaurant where I get my Big Mac Combo meal. Yes, while traveling I ate at McDonalds at least 3 times a week so they got use to me. While Lautaro was cleaning the restroom, I caught him trying to get a look at my cock. I looked back and he smiled and believe it or not, he stuck out his tongue. Because I'm a businessman I TRY not to have sex with any of the models but Lautaro was so fucking appealing and he kept teasing me, we did fool around. He didn't give me the gay/str8, top/bottom bullshit but he said he only had sex once but he was willing to try everything. He loved the camera and loved the showing his HUGE PINGA. But this was a really fun shoot because he is just a fun person to be around. Please enjoy!

I've got to be honest, this fucking video is driving me nuts. My mating season is all messed up. When I did it I had fun, but watching myself fuck Lince is just TOO HOT to handle. Vicente got mad at me cause I jerked off three times while editing the video. ''WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING,'' he said. Well, ''I am working,'' I replied. FUCK, please be aware that we do not provide any kind of life insurance and either MEDICARE. So view at your own risk.

We filmed a solo of Rafael and few months ago and we had some issues with the video rights for publishing it here. After all was cleared, we can now present the new video. Rafael hangs-out with us a lot and he's is a freak. This guy loves sex. He married to a lesbian and she knows all about his extracurricular activities. He is constantly bringing guys over to see if we would like to shoot them having sex. Most of the guys we turned down because he always has some queen. During this shoot I told him he has a beautify ass, and he teased us a bit in this video. Afterwards I asked if he would do a flip flop in the future and he said, ''I don't bottom much but I bet I will be the best bottom on the site.'' That is a very bold statement!

Josue a hot versatile moreno that has appeared earlier on UOMOTV. Well, both times we matched him with our power bottom Vicente. Vicente was able to take his dick without a bunch of whining. We put an ad in the in local paper looking for a good match for Josue. When I was checking the paper for our ad I found Gabriel's ad. I called him right away and described our problem and he quickly agreed to come over to our secret location to test some black cock. Watch as his eyes light up when he sees Josue's cock. He gave it a good old college try but he was still unable to take all of Josue's cock. Of course I did taste a little bit too, hehehehe.